
The Ungraffe

For Valentine's Day, we got the girls a super cute little stuffed animal. Natalie got a giraffe, Mollie got a monkey.

See? Super cute, right? Well, Natalie LOVED the giraffe. She calls it an "un-gr-aff" I don't know. I don't get it. I know she can say giraffe. Anyway, that's how she's decided to say giraffe. So she's been more attached to this little thing than maybe any other toy that she's had. She's never been one to be super attached to one toy. She has to sleep with a blanket and a baby, but she's usually not picky about WHICH blanket or WHICH baby. So she decides that she'd like to take Ungraffe to school to sleep with during her nap. OK, fine. We've never had an issue with her leaving her sleeping buddy at school, so I didn't think twice about it. That was my first mistake.

Yesterday when Brad picked the girls up, Natalie wanted to get Ungraffe out of her backpack to carry it separately to the car. Brad let her. They stopped at the front desk to buy some bake sale goodies. Natalie wanted to carry them to the car. Brad said no. A FIT WAS THROWN. (By the way, she hasn't been napping at school this week - YAY! NOTE SARCASM.)

Fast forward to last night, and Natalie MUST sleep with Ungraffe. MUST have it. We can't find it, Brad looks in the car, then he remembers THE FIT and determines that she must have left it there at the front desk. We manage to make her happy with the usual baby. Good. Well, this morning, she's asking about Ungraffe again. I tell her I bet we'll find it at school.

I usually carry Mollie into the building and into her classroom, and she has to be handed over to one of her teachers in order for us to all leave without tears. Today I had my hands full, it was SUPER windy, and Mollie was in a good mood, so I thought I'd attempt to let her walk into the building after carrying her to the door. She thought she was big stuff. We usually have to drop Mollie off first (Natalie's orders), but today, Mollie headed toward Natalie's class, and Natalie was (surprisingly) ok with that. So Nat's walking into her room, and Miss Mollie is eye level with the kids' cubbies. All of a sudden, she squeals with glee and grabs a giraffe - YES QUITE POSSIBLY THE UNGRAFFE - from ANOTHER little girl's cubby. Chaos ensues. Natalie remembers that she lost her Ungraffe, there it is, YAY! Um, no, actually THAT is L's giraffe, but yes, it does look exactly like Nat's. So her teacher goes up to the front to see if Natalie's is at the front desk. It's not. Natalie does not want to hand it over. She can't fathom that anyone else could possibly have another giraffe that looks exactly like hers. Little does she know that the Ty corporation has sold probably hundreds of thousands of them. So I finally manage to convince a tearful Natalie that it's not hers and we'll find hers. "Later?" she asks me with a tear rolling down her cheek. I assure her that we'll definitely find hers later, envisioning myself spending my lunch hour scouring Oklahoma City for another one. Luckily my mom had the idea to check Amazon, where, lo and behold, they had the same giraffe for $6.28+$3.99 OVERNIGHT shipping.

If we can make it through tonight and tomorrow morning, a new Ungraffe will be waiting for Natalie Friday afternoon. *INSERT HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF*

OH! AND! Lesson learned: EVERYTHING GETS A LABEL. This might not have solved the initial problem, but it would have helped in the end. Maybe.

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