I got the girls dresses that I am LOOOOVE with for Christmas this year. I could resist taking a few photos when they tried them on to make sure they fit. Unfortunately, Mollie was in the midst of a horrible ear infection and even medicated, she wasn't really into the whole smiling for photos thing. I got a few cute ones . . . and a few that should go straight to the outtakes bin. :)
And then . . .
Kinda sweet :)
I took some family photos for some friends today, and Natalie wanted in on the action:
I still need to get on the ball and take some GOOD photos of our kitchen and its new look, but you can at least see the paint color in a few of these photos. SUCH a drastic improvement over the weird-attempted-faux-red that was here when we arrived. Anyway, here are some pics of some of our Christmas decor and then a bunch of photos of the girlies. :)
A wreath that I made out of coffee filters. I am in love with it!
Another wreath that I made out of lima beans. Also digging this one a lot. Can you tell that I am trying to decorate on the cheap? :)
Early morning feet that have just padded their way into Mommy's bed.